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Norwegian press

Halfdan Hallseth

Norwegian Newspaper writes article about Halfdan Hallseth

Johanne Hoel (BA)

Halfdan Hallseth (49) had long wanted a more creative profession. After fifteen years as an engineer, officer and project manager, he decided to bet everything on the film industry.

- I guess I've never really taken an interest in what I trained as. I really only did what was expected of me, he says.

In 2018, he quit his job as project manager to follow his dream in photography and film.

- I had been doing amateur photography for many years. One day I just took the leap

and started "Fjord Productions".

- Knew nobody

It all started with photography, but it didn't take long before Hallseth wanted to take the company a step further.

- I really wanted to work with film too, but when I first started I didn't know a single person in the film industry.

In order to get access to the industry, Hallseth started signing up for extra lists.

- Then you might get on a set and talk to a filmmakers, he explains.

He even got extras role in the Netflix series "The Innocents".

- I guess I had never really thought about myself in front of the camera before. But after that feature extra role, I guess I realized that acting was something I could actually do, even if I didn't dare say it out loud at the time.

The short film opened doors

He took the next step big jump into the film industry by going on a trip to Los Angeles (LA).

- Just after I came back, I was contacted by a manager and signed as an actor, which was incredibly big. Then suddenly I had a foot inside over there.

In 2021, he directed the short film "Ransom", in which both he and his daughter were actors.

- it won nine awards around the world, four of which were in Las Vegas. It really opened doors, and a year and a half later I also got an acting contract with an agent in Amsterdam.

But despite the fact that he has signed a contract with both manager and agent abroad, Hallseth emphasizes that it has been a demanding few years with a lot of work.

- A friend of mine calls what I do "Rejection 24/7" and it is. But if you get upset every time you get a no, you can't do this. It's just that simple.

- No one is allowed to touch the beard

Just before Christmas, Hallseth was back in LA to plan new projects. Now he is currently at home in the office in Os, but in March the trip goes back to Hollywood.

- When I'm here at home I'm really just a normal family man with kids and wife. But thanks to my wife, I also get the opportunity to travel and focus on film and acting, and the children are used to having a crazy dad, says Hallseth.

In March, he´s to participate in Nordic Oscar Week in L.A., primarily as an actor. And until then, the beard will continue to grow.

- In Norway, I'm just some guy who doesn't have the theater college and I get that. You use the same actors you've worked with before. But abroad you are more exotic - I think that may be the key to success.

Because both Norway and the other Nordic countries are popular these days, and that is where he tries to market himself.

- That's why I look the way I do now, with the long beard, he says and adds that it was created on orders from the manager.

- It is one hundred percent image. It gets a lot of attention over there, so nobody touches the beard now, he says, laughing.

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